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Feb 2025 Clearance Sale - [Dr.Yu] Weight M 天使仙姬

Regular price
RM 300.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
Sale price
RM 300.00

** 专利配方,养成易瘦体质 **

1. 不必挨饿

2. 无须狂运动

3. 利水消肿、排毒



根据2019全国健康及病发率调查报告(NHMS),大马国民的 :

  • 肥胖率- 51%
  • 糖尿病率-18%,
  • 高血压病率-30%。
  • 高胆固醇- 40%

肥胖除了会引发三高, 也会因高体脂造成代谢率下降,导致内分泌失调及慢性发炎, 加速老化,让你的身体年龄和视觉年龄比实际年龄直接老10岁!


It’s slim-ple! The Easiest Way on Weight Management 

According to the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2019, out of the Malaysians that were surveyed,

  • 51% are obese
  • 18% have diabetes
  • 30% have high blood pressure
  • 40% have high cholesterol levels

Not only is obesity the main factor behind high glucose levels, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels, but it will also slow down our metabolism due to the high fat levels in our body. This will result in endocrine disorders and chronic inflammation, which will only speed up the aging process of our body. Your body and eyesight will also be 10 years older than your actual age!


  • 过度饮食
  • 缺乏运动
  • 脂联素,瘦体素分泌不足
  • 慢性发炎
  • 新陈代谢下降

Factors Of Obesity

  • Overeating
  • Lack of exercise
  • Lack of adiponectin and leptin
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Slow metabolism


1. 脂联素

  • 提高代谢率,增加燃脂效果;
  • 降低胰岛素阻抗;
  • 提升肌肉组织;
  • 心血管及器官修复


2. 瘦体素

  • 调控大脑食欲中枢讯号,控制食欲和饱足感
  • 调节热量的摄取消耗


The key to losing weight and body fat


  • Boosts metabolism, increases fat burn
  • Reduces insulin inhibitors
  • Strengthens muscles
  • Repairs organs and the cardiovascular system 

**Obese people tend to have chronic inflammation, resulting in a deficiency of adiponectin, which will slow down their metabolism. It will also increase the risk of high blood glucose levels, high blood pressure, and high blood cholesterol levels as well as diabetes.


  • Sends signals to the brain via the central nervous system to regulate appetite
  • Regulates the intake and consumption of calories

**Obese people tend to have an abundancy of leptin inhibitors, which causes overeating. This will result in problems such as stagnancy and weight gain when an individual is trying to lose weight.

Dr.Yu Weight M 天使仙姬主要成分:

1. 滤护胜台湾专利茶

  • 活性为蔬果酵素的350,耐酸耐高温  不受胃酸破坏
  • 超强的抗氧化能力,改善慢性发炎
  • 提升细胞代谢力,增加热量消耗,加倍消脂

2. 非洲芒果籽

  • 提升脂联素的分泌,改善瘦素阻抗、调整荷尔蒙,控制的食欲

3. 专利虾红素

  • 抗氧化物,对抗自由基、降低慢性发炎问题,改善脂联素不足、瘦素阻抗。启动身体内分泌代谢

4. 专利毛喉素

  • 启动cAMP(环腺苷酸)功能,增肌减脂机制

5. 藻褐素

  • 提升棕色脂肪比例与燃脂效率

6. 凤梨酵素

  • 帮助蛋白质吸收,提升燃脂效率、促进新陈代谢,并改善肠到菌相健康,养成易瘦体质

7. 专利壳寡糖

  • 有效转化糖分、深入细胞间调控血糖机制,并增加转糖效率,增加脂联素效率

8. 苦瓜多肽PPK

  • 强化胰岛素效率‘降低阻抗,保持体内血糖代谢的平衡
  • 减少糖分吸收

9. 决明子

  • 改善便秘, 水肿

Dr.Yu Weight M Main ingredients:

1.Renotect Patented Fermented Green Tea

  • Enzyme activity is 350% higher than the enzymes found in fruit and vegetables. Resistant to heat and acid. Enzymes will not be denatured by stomach acid
  • Strong antioxidant properties. Relieves chronic inflammation
  • Boosts cell metabolism. Burns calories and fat

2.Dika Nuts

  • Increases the secretion of insulin. Reduces the amount of leptin inhibitors. Regulates hormones and appetite

3. Patented Astaxanthin

  • Antioxidant.  Counteracts free radicals. Relieves chronic inflammation. Increase adiponectin levels and reduces the amount of leptin inhibitors. Boosts endocrine metabolism.

4. Patented forskolin

  • Stimulates cAMP (Cyclic adenosine monophosphate). Aids in weight loss and muscle growth.

5. Fucoxanthin

  • Increases the ratio of brown adipose tissue. Boosts fat burn.

6. Bromelain

  • Aids in the absorption of protein. Boosts fat burn and metabolism. Keeps the gut microbiota in our intestines healthy. Makes it easy to lose weight.

7. Patented Chitosan Oligosaccharide

  • Effectively converts glucose into glycogen. Regulates blood glucose levels via the cells. Increases the rate of glucose conversion. Increases the efficiency of adiponectin

8. PPK Polypeptide-K (PPK)

  • Increases the efficiency of insulin. Reduces the amount of insulin inhibitors. Regulates blood glucose levels. Maintains metabolism.
  • Decreases the absorption of glucose

9. Cassia seed

  • Relieves constipation and bloating

Dr.Yu Weight M 天使仙姬 产品特点:

** 专利配方,养成易瘦体质 **

1. 不必挨饿

  • 刺激脂联素分泌
  • 受体荷尔蒙平衡

2. 无须狂运动

  • 启动燃脂代谢机制
  • 轻松拥有Fit线条

3. 利水消肿、排毒

  • 增进细胞代谢率
  • 排毒去水肿

Dr.Yu Weight M Product features:

**Patented recipe. Helps your body lose weight more easily.

1. There is no need to starve

  • Stimulates the secretion of adiponectin
  • Maintains hormonal balance

2. There is no need to do vigorous exercise

  • Stimulates fat burn and boosts metabolism
  • Obtain a fit body easily

3. Relieves bloating and detoxes your body

  • Boosts cell metabolism
  • Detoxes your body and relieves bloating

Dr.Yu Weight M 天使仙姬适合族群:

  • 易胖及水肿体质者
  • 经常熬夜,吃宵夜者
  • 经常吃零食、甜点、油炸食物、口味重者
  • 经常需要应酬、喝酒者
  • 三高族群、代谢症候群
  • 运动量不足的上班族或家庭主妇
  • 追求更完美身形的健身群

Dr.Yu Weight M Suitable for:

  • People who get fat easily as well as those who experience bloating frequently
  • People who often stay up late as well as those who eat supper
  • People who often eat snacks, sweets, fried food, and savoury food
  • People who often drink alcohol during business meetings
  • People who have high blood glucose levels, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels, and metabolic disorders
  • Office workers or housewives who do not exercise enough
  • Fitness junkies who are after a perfect body

Dr.Yu Weight M 天使仙姬使用方法:

  • 餐前1包,每天1-3次,根据个人需求而定

Dr.Yu Weight M Usage Method: 

  •  1 packet before meal. 1-3 packet per day depending on individual needs.


*本产品合有甲壳类 、芒果、含麸质之谷物及其制品,不适合对其过敏体质者食用

*有服用慢性病药物者 , 应咨询医师后,方可使用

*不建议孕妇 , 授乳者及婴幼儿食用



* This product contains crustacean, mango, gluten, grains and others similar product , which is not suitable for those whom allergies on it. 

* Those who are on medication should consult a doctor before consume

* Not recommended to those who pregnant, breast feeding and kids.